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Xu Qiubin | Art profileXu QiubinA famous painter, calligrapher.His native place in Guangdong and now settled in Beijing.World peace art envoyThe scholar name is "Bo Gong"...MORE>>







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Xu Qiubin spoke at the “ink society” seminar of the Shangshang international Gallery

First of all, thank Mr. Li Guangming for providing us with such a good communication platform and studying and communicating with the artists and friends here.

Congratulations on the successful exhibition of the "ink and wash society" exhibition.

"Ink and wash society" is a very big topic. Since it is mentioned that society must consider the social attributes of "ink and wash art", that is, the development of the art of ink in the domestic and international society and the degree of cognition of the Chinese and international society on the art of ink and wash.

One, the current situation and existing problems of Chinese ink and wash painting.

Two, what is the status and influence of Chinese ink and wash art in the world?

Three, many artists who are currently engaged in ink and wash creation also believe in their achievements. How many of them are influential in the world today?

Four, what is the role of our system and our cultural transmission in the development of our ink and wash art?

These problems can not be discussed one by one with time relations, for reference and consideration only. Now let me talk about my personal opinions on ink and wash creation.

There is a long tradition of ink and wash art in our country, but we should not be obstinately flaunting and talking about the achievements of the previous generation of ink and wash. We should re understand our ink and wash creation and truly grasp the essence of art creation, that is, the innovation of art and the renewal of ideas.

In the current painting, some people are still imitating the ancient people, 10 years, even decades, still in the stage of copying, it is really sad, it is clear that these people do not understand what is art creation now?

This is the problem of their understanding; some are trying to copy outsider's works, and some are still playing with no content, so every time the exhibition is on display, it gives the viewer a real "visual fatigue".

As a ink artist, it must be clear that art must be innovative, and the artist must create a unique personal style, but there are several real things that can be achieved. The development and progress of art need innovation, and the progress of the whole human society depends on the fact that a few people are constantly thinking, exploring and creating.

Innovation takes day, innovation takes courage, innovation needs more confidence, and innovation requires the accurate grasp of art. So many so-called masters, people and self - successful ink artists are not creative, and they do not want to see the innovation of others, so that the narrow, ignorant and malicious exclusion is hindering the creation of ink and ink art. The normal development of our work deserves our consideration and envisage.

We have an old saying, "save the same and seek differences". In the times of contemporary education and cognition, "seeking difference" is more valuable. First of all, art innovation must first "seek difference" and "seek good".

So the ink creation artists should understand this point very well, and work hard to grasp the essence of art from a kind of impulse of his own emotion and try to build his own unique painting picture. To persevere, put his style of painting to the extreme, seeking refinement.

Throughout the world, all ancient scientific artists and musicians, have just appeared in "difference".

For example, Darwin and Einstein, a Western scientist, musicians Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, Verdi, and Western artists Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Ma HOS, Milo, etc., all come out of “seek difference” show its artistic charm.

Chinese today’s artists want to conquer the international art scene in their works, become the internationally recognized masters! What do we use to fight with western art? This requires the painter Chinese knowledge about their own root art and grasp (I emphasized art with confidence). The art of ink and wash is the most profound embodiment of our nation's profound cultural tradition, its learning and conservation are just beyond Western painters.

The artists we are here are making bold innovations in the creation of ink and wash, opening new ways of communication in the domestic and international art circles, and making great efforts to build the aesthetic and aesthetic basis of the new Chinese ink painting.

I look forward to all artists in the next international painting master ranks.

My speech is finished, thank you!